Learn Solidity: General Value or Data Types in Solidity
- 19 April, 2017
- Posted by: toshendra
- Category: Blockchain, Development, Ethereum, Solidity
No CommentsIn this post, we will understand the general value types or data types in Solidity programming language.
Learn Solidity: Layout of a Solidity Source File & Structure of Smart Contracts
- 19 April, 2017
- Posted by: toshendra
- Category: Blockchain, Development, Ethereum, Solidity
In this post, we will understand the default standard structure of the Solidity-Based Smart Contract file which generally has the .sol extension. As you can see in the above code, It always starts with version pragma followed by optional import section through which you can import any existing.sol files into the current .sol file. Then
Learn Solidity: Basics of Solidity By Example
- 18 April, 2017
- Posted by: toshendra
- Category: Blockchain, Development, Solidity
In this post, we will learn the Solidity language by going through two example. Then we will dig deeper into each & every aspect of Solidity & Blockchain-based development. As you can see in the above code, which is a simple smart contract written in Solidity for a new Coin. Here this Coin can be